
About Me

My name is Leonardo Maglanoc. I’m a 3rd-semester robotics & AI master’s student at the Technical University Munich, I’ve worked there as a robotics research assistant for the Cyber-Physical Systems Group for over a year on making physical human-robot interaction provably safe with formal verification, and I’m a mentee of the Siemens Mentoring Programme. I have an international background: Asian heritage, born in Norway and raised in Germany. For my studies, I’m focusing on perception and control of mobile robots, such as in one practical of the Smart Robotics Lab, where we programmed an autonomous drone. My goal is to build autonomous machine intelligence, taking humans as an inspiration, and enabling robots to sense, plan, and act cognitively in our physical world. I’m particularly fascinated by humanoid robots.

In my free time, I like to spend time with my family, do sports (calisthenics and bodybuilding), and read books about philosophy and self-improvement.


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